7. Navigating Life with Guidance From the Stars with Cate Cook


In this episode of Ditch the Dogma with Paula Marie Davis, a podcast where we explore unconventional approaches to personal growth and well-being, we are chatting with Cate Cook. Cate turned her daily practices and love of astrology into a business helping women navigate life with guidance from the stars. She's breaking down the ways in which astrology can help women unleash their wellness potential physically, emotionally, and spiritually, without overstepping personal boundaries around beliefs, religion, and other spiritual practices. She ditches the typical dogma associated with astrology and helps women determine the pieces that work for them, so they can better connect with their own inner guidance. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of astrology-based life coaching with our guest.

#breakingdownastrologydogma #navigatinglifewithguidance #astrologyforpersonalgrowth #connectingwithyourinnerguidance #ditchthedogm #ditchthegurus #empoweringwomen #selfdiscoveryjourney #astrology

Vist Cate’s website:
Follow Cate on instagram:

Show Highlights:


6. Running with Purpose with Jennifer Wlodarek